Stats Manager
All the web site activity reports accumulated immediately

The comprehensive online analytics figures within your Control Panel will let you track virtually all actions on your web site. You’ll get realtime information about the stress created in your account as well as the website traffic they receive on a per–hour, weekly and per–month basis. You’ll also find details with regards to our platform in general such as the actual IP address, the Operating System, the versions of PHP and MySQL and many others. Everything is grouped in sections for you to find it.
Server Specifics
Detailed information regarding your server
In the Server Information part of the Control Panel, you’ll find details with regards to the server your Linux shared packages account is situated on. You can find out which is the OS, the actual IP address plus the existing Perl/MySQL variations, locate additional information in regards to the installed Perl modules as well as the inbound and outgoing mailing servers, observe the server load, and so on.
You’ll also find more information around the PHP version without having to put together phpinfo files, etcetera.
Access & Error Stats
Find out how individuals communicate with your website
Through the Access & Error Logs area of the Digital Master Co. Control Panel, you’ll be able to activate and monitor the access and error listing for your websites located within your Linux shared packages account. The access log is actually a list of all of the files uploaded on your website (including text files, photo files, video files, and so on) that people have requested to look at.
The error log is actually a set of all cautionary and problem alerts regarding your site. It helps you keep away from any eventual problems with the site’s overall performance.
Traffic Stats
Review the traffic to your website in the greatest detail
From the web stats tools integrated into the Digital Master Co. Control Panel, you’re able to monitor the viewers on your web site in the greatest detail. You can pick in between 2 well–liked stats tool – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which provide you with detailed information about the visitors to your website along with the site contents they read on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
You don’t have to set up absolutely anything in advance to obtain site traffic data for your sites. In the Website Traffic Reports area of your Control Panel, simply load the data report for any selected website and get the info that you require for your marketing campaigns.
CPU Statistics
Keep tabs on your websites’ operational load
The hosting server’s CPU is really important for the interaction between your web site and its site visitors. The more complicated and resource–absorbing your web sites are, the more web server resources and server operation time will be necessary for them to work.
Within the CPU stats section of the Control Panel, you are able to check the usage of CPU power produced by all of your sites. This will let you consider appropriate procedures and optimize your sites if the CPU usage quota has been reached. You will view detailed CPU stats for every single day and month or for a full year.